June 2013 Newsline

By on July 4, 2013

  • The questionnaire for the food and health security perceptions survey is now being translated to Russian, Finnish and Norwegian. The survey will be conducted in August-September in towns and communities in the border area.
  • Master students at the University of Tromsø are invited to participate in the project with questionnaires and interviews of local people in Sør Varanger municipality on the topics of food and health security perception
  • Reports are developed on knowledge status, based on literature and ongoing studies on environmental and health impacts, in the Norwegian-Finnish-Russian border area:
  • Literature survey on the radionuclide deposition and transfer along the food chain lichen-reindeer-man in Finnish Lapland has been started.
  • Norwegian report with knowledge status on the Norwegian part (environment and health) of the border area is done.